The Scalp: Underneath But Not Undervalued

Your scalp is a part of your covering that is not always visible. Your hair steals the show in most cases. Not to mention, the scalp helps protect the command center of your entire body. The scalp only gets visibility when you part your hair, lose it, or remove it. Nevertheless, scalp health is directly responsible for hair health where its roots or hair follicles are located. Your scalp is a field of hair follicles making it extra sensitive. The hair receives its nutrition and stimulation at the roots from both your circulation and topical products. Not only is healthy hair dependent on the scalp, but overall health is impacted as well. The scalp is notably skin and serves the same purposes of protecting, insulating, and regulating. It is essential that one provides optimal scalp care on a routine basis. Keeping it clean, hydrated, and well-nourished should be a part of your care regimen. Addressing scalp problems promptly and aggressively will minimize the damage and reduce the risk of conditions becoming chronic or irreversible. Do you perform any extra and/or special skin care rituals for your scalp as opposed to the rest of your body? If so, have you noted any significant changes or improvement in the growth and health of your hair? For those of you who are bald by choice or uncontrollable circumstances, what do you do differently in the care of your scalp as opposed to when you had hair?

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